Miss Em greeted the misses E and E as they arrive thru the Big Dig tunnel - one of the most expensive public works in the history of the United States! They are a bit scared, as the trucks were whizzing by them in the tunnel and they knew that Boston drivers do not have a Good Reputation.

Miss Em decided to take the two travelers to her favorite store - where she thought they would feel at home. But Esmirelda and Ermintrude didn't want to sell their beautiful wool - they need the thick coat in the Boston snow! They insisted on doing some shopping at the local mall where they also shopped at Victori-ewe's Secret.

After a good long visit at the shopping mall all the girls wanted was to sit down an have a few and get off their feet ...or hoofs.
They went home, and relaxed in front of the fire - while the wild snow storm raged outside.
ha ha these posts about e and e are hilarious. will be back on tuesday, am having bloggywithdrawalsyndrome. hugs.
I would like to see a list of what they bought...
Glad the girls arrived safely. They have had some fabulous shopping experiences on this trip. Methinks they'll have to mail some stuff home.
Well looks like they are still having the time of their lives and are getting to see more of America.. Good thing for those woolly coats as I hear it is pretty cold back there. Enjoy their company. Wonder if they are getting a bit homesick yet?
I'll bet the bras and undies at Victori-ewes Secret are a bit itchy :D
I don't have a clue who E and E are, but I'm sure enjoying their travels via you and Suki!
And isn't the tunnel finished yet??Good grief, how many years?
Those two sheep will never forget their trip to America, better watch out or their forty eight sisters could well turn up on your doorstep, many thanks for looking after them.
i don't know who e and e are either (ee-ther) but like lolo i'm intrigued by their travels, esp. the under-lacey. hmmmmm
My goodness, E and E are really making the rounds. Good thing for their heavy winter coats.
Ms Em is the perfect hostess...glad they are seeing the sights there in Boston. I can well imagine they'd want to hold on to their coats there. I was lucky that they gave me some wool while here in San Francisco as it is much warmer here than there!
Enjoy your visit with them. Your "pictures" are delightful!
Oh, E and E are lovely-they could come and visit me any time. Moon might try to herd them though.
hahaha! This is funny!
Going to a knitting store.......
Victori-ewe's Secret:):)
I imagine the two in some nice lacey stuff, but then they definitely would have to sell some of their wool to your favourite shop;
Great drawings and fun to follow E&E's adventures in Boston!
LOL wonder what they purchased?
whats happening with E&E. They getting ready to fly home?
Hear your getting lots of snow.
No contest.. You win for sure. I think we had just enough. maybe a tad more would have been fun but I am happy with only rain. :))
More adventures coming tomorrow - too much snow to do much around here for the past two days.
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