A Christmas card arrived from someone who should have known better than to send one this year. This is an unwanted Christmas card in Miss Em's book.
Miss Em brings it to Mr. Tee's attention that this Christmas card should not have been sent.
Mr Tee disagrees and thinks it is a "nice" gesture.

Miss Em tries to explain her point of view, with well thought out discussion and lots of "I feel" statements. Mr Tee acts supercilious and thinks Miss Em is over-reacting.

Miss Em get's a bit annoyed at the supercilious attitude and begins to sink down into the gutter of word slinging and gentle cursing

Mr. Tee takes offense at the gutter-type discussion and begins to sling a few words of his own. Things get out of hand and there is alot of hand waving and gesticulating.

Eventually there is a standoff - where it is better NOT to say anything at all and just go to bed and sleep it off.

To be continued.
Oh, yes.
Very festive.
Hmmm, am I reading too much into this?
Just normal life....
I just hate it when this happens, but unfortunately it does...probably in every home to some degree or another. I'm glad our last time that wasn't all that long ago is a blur in my mind now with no remembered facts as to what and why or how...gone now.
Happy again.
You will be too I am sure of it.
Love your drawings! Wonderful! The Mister and I don't always agree, but we - especially I have learned to step away and find out what the real problem is before discussing. Often it's completely unrelated. A good and open discussion follows. Good that Em and Tee decided not to get "Tee'd off" and to sleep on it! Can't wait to see how things turn out!
I think Ms. Em is entitled to feel the way she does. If Mr. Tee disagrees, then obviously he feels differently. Doesn't that make each of them right in their own way? We can't tell anyone how to "feel." Does that make sense?
Oh my. Discord. Isnt it interesting how things evolve? How differences cause discord and emotional trauma. I guess this is just being human. But I know for me when I'm going through such things they can feel overwhelming.
I love those little swimming fishies.
these drawings say it all, mim! i understand the "issue" quite well, and i'm with ms. em all the way!
Merry Christmas In Bloggyland!
the last one is terrific...yup, we've all been here at one time or another...keep drawing...love from sunny sa
Isn't it strange how people we wish would drop off the planet just revisit us with more mahem, and suddenly the mahem is in your house, not theirs? But, it must be sad for the person who people wish would drop off the face of the earth. Pariah-ism can't be pleasant. Maybe Em can just celebrate Mr. Tee's forgiving nature and let the pariah person drop off the face of the household again.
I believe justice is always served, but we may not be the instruments of service, and what we think really doesn't matter that much anyway in events we have no control over. That sounds awful, but I find that that thought kind of comforting-I'm not responsible for the entire universe, just my own little part.
LOL. Love it.
Merry Christmas!
Came by to see you on the Christmas tour, I'll check back again later!
Great post very funnY and cute lol
I stopped by from the Christmas in Bloggyland Tour.Thanks for the great post!!
Are Miss Em and Mr Tee having a little holiday induced anxiety? Poor dears. They need some mulled wine and cookies. Tell them to pop over to MuseSwings for some right away!
This is excellent - you should do a daily column
I'm glad to know that that Miss Em and Mr Tee eventually made up.
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