Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Animal Wednesday - Alligators

They were lounging at Myakka state forest outside of Sarasota. I don't think they were mating or anything like that - probably just trying to steal each others heat.

I am facinated and terrified of alligators. But one of my favorite water colors is John Singer Sargent's painting of alligators. This is in the Worcester Art museum and I saw it once (it's not on permanent display) - I remember almost feeling the heat of the sun on their backs.

HAW everyone - alligators and all.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Love your sketch Mim. I have seen them do this before. They are so seemingly docile creatures until they want something to eat or are protecting their territory. Their matinging call is so primal. I heard that once when we were in the Everglades. It made my hackles go up so to speak. Ha..

Thanks for showing us the other painting too. I can feel the sunshine. Especially since it is so gloomy here.

kj said...

jeez, mim, if only human beings looked so content...


Debra Kay said...

I finally got to see an alligator in the wild at Myakka! It was so exciting and I can't wait to go back.

sukipoet said...

I didnt realize he had painted aligators! Wonderful painting. Love your sketch too. I think I'd be a bit scared of them too.

Teri said...

Great sketch Mim! That photo makes them way too real- they make me shudder.


soulbrush said...

we were on a boat on the zambezi river several years ago and these crocs were all around us...scaryyyyyy..great drawing though, they look all cosy...crocs cosy? surely not? HAW dear one.

studio lolo said...

Great sketch Mim! I don't think I could concentrate on drawing them if they were that close to me, fence or not :P
I never knew JSS painted gators either. He's one of my all time fave artists.
I can't believe how rampant they are in some parts of FLA now. I hate hearing about little dogs who walk too close to the pond. Egads!Well, on that note...HAW!!!

ElizT said...

Yes, that painting is a surprise, and so nice, alligators or not.

Lynn Cohen said...

I"ve only seen them a few times and always in captivity.
Still...they could leap out and bite me! Caution!!!

Like your sketch and the painting.

MuseSwings said...

Great scetch, Mim! The painting is wonderful - I've not seen it before!

Anonymous said...

I had no idea Sargent painted alligators! I love his portraits.

And I find gators scary - I've been out in a canoe with gators as big as the canoe drifting along - ack!

Fifi Flowers said...

LOVE the art work!