I was tagged by my good friend FY with a book thingy and you have to go get the nearest book and pick out certain sentences. Since I am addicted to books and usually have one to hand, I reached out...and found the strangest book in the house. It's called " Brittanica - Book of the Year - 1960". I expected to put my hand on something a little more highbrow, but here we go.
So I have to open to page 123 and find the 5th sentence and post the next three sentences.
Damn...where are my glasses...gotta go find them. Ah, found my favorite pair with the little chips of fake diamonds on the side. 

Okay, open the book and find page 123 and don't get distracted by all the interesting stuff you find in this unusual book.
This is very strange. We all know that FY grew up in South Africa. So here is the title of the 5th sentence in this book. "British South African Territories" . I swear it's true, you can see verifying photo below.
The sentences:
Basutoland (colony) an enclave in the southeast of the Union of South Africa; Bechuanaland Protectorate, north of the union; and Swaziland (protectorate) between Transvaal and Mozambique, are generally referred to as the High Commission Territores in South Africa.
The population is Basuto, Bechuana, Swazi; in Bechuanaland the most numerous tribe is Bamangwato, with its capital at Serowe (about 25,000), Europeans (1956); Basuotoland 1926; Bechuanaland 3173, Swaziland 5919.

Religion: Christian, several denominations; various indigenous.
How interesting and weird was that~!
Everyone is tagged if you want to play, but I bet no one will open up a book to find a sentence so appropriate to the original tagger!
So strange but so beautiful!
this is spooky...real spooky....shows we have some sort of fine thread that links us.
also shows that so far whoever has done this, has seen words that mean something to them. good one mim, but spooky......
very, very strange...
Strange is right! I love hearing aobut these kind of things.
That is really neat-we are all truly connected.
It's those diamond framed glasses that are captivating me!...
Hell is when your midlife crisis mirrors your fourth grade obsession with owning a pair of blue cats-eye glasses with diamond twinkles like Diana Diorio.
Never giving up my diamond chips..but at least they're not shaped like grandma's were, with little wings.
The glasses are great!
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