Tuesday, Feb 2
I was sitting at my computer desk this afternoon - working away - when I looked out the window and saw this image. Do you see him? Easter Island type guy?

I ran out onto the porch and got a closer shot. Do you think I should apply for a miracle status - a tree with a face?

Speaking of porches - this is the exit from my front porch. There is a nice pebble pathway under there somewhere, and one steps gently from the porch to the path and can stroll out to the front lawn. NOT!!!

Here is what it looks like in summer. Gorgeous, warm, green.

Yes, summertime is wonderful and gorgeous, but winter and snow agree with my atavistic cave desire. As long as I don't have to tromp around in it in work attire, I really love snowstorms and snow. I love the winter quiet, and hushed woods. I adore not having to do errands, and being able to sit and knit for hours while the snow falls. It soothes something in me - I feel warm and cozy (because I am - lucky person, me), lazy yet inspired. Lots of knitting got done today. Sweater blocked. A book finished. Easy dinner. Balm to a very busy year.
To me, summer wouldn't be half as much wonderful without winter. Deep dark cozy winter.
Your snow day sounds wonderful. I too enjoy winter. It just makes summer more special.
It is truely beautiful. Enjoy all that peacefulness! Hope to see the knit wear too.
Love the tree face! Miracles!!!
I see the face too. Call in the press. :)) Enjoy your snow days. I wish we had gotten a couple days longer of our snow when we got it. but I am really pleased with the warmth now. Stay in safe & warm.
I saw the face right away; very cool shots. Will this snow ever stop? So much prettier up in the country than it is down here, that's for sure.
Yes, I do see "Mr. EasterIslandManTree"! If you chop him down, you could probably see him on E-Bay for a million dollars!
(Just kidding!)
Glad you are enjoying your land of NArnia! I would.....sigh....
♥ Robin ♥
really cool that you saw the face.
i just realized that the fuel men cant come and fill the oil tank because the snow is so high and no path to it. a delemma.
That face is amazing! I love having a day like yours. The good part of being snowed in. We are frozen in here in AZ and breaking records.
everything comes to a standstill and we give ourselves permission to do that too. i understand completely mim, and i am so with you on this.
can i please come live with you in winter?
Kontiki!! Maybe that was his snake?
I love what you wrote. Winter can be wonderfully healing in its own way, especially for us more fortunate ones with heat and a well stocked larder.
I bet I'll still complain about the summer ;)
I see it!!! Miraculous, someone that likes the winter like myself, though we rarely have any snow, this year two and possibly another next week. Hope you have been well.
I think the cabin fever is starting to make you crazy, Mim. You are seeing "things" everywhere you look. This really does look like an "Easter Island Guy" and the icicle seems to be snaking its way off your roof. I do hope you stop getting pounded with snow, at least for a week or two.
I agree with you totally, Mim! I have, the last few years, especially where I live now, looked forward to those quiet, hushed days when everything slows. So restful.
I love how the snow delineates the faces in the trees and how wonderfully aware you were to see it!!
I wouldn't apply for miracle status just yet, now if he starts talking...then you've got yourself a miracle. I too love the woods in winter - especially snowshoeing. However, I do have to get out in it and go to work, and shop, and whatever and it gets very long.
Ha excellent. Yes the snow looks gorgeous and quiet as I sit hear being deafened by cicadas.
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