Then I got smarter and went onto U Tube for a morning of instruction and hints. Now I am starting this guy. His head is a two sided bead that I bought somewhere, and his body is paperclay over a craft egg. Dowel neck. And no - the black behind him isn't hair and just to show that it isn't I tried to erase the background in photoshop as shown below. . (Note to self: take class in photoshop)

So this inspiration is all from being with a wonderful fellow artist for the day. For me, the morale of the story is that I need interaction! I need to get ideas from others, try new things, branch out. I'd love to be in a studio space with others, or back in school full time - just learning.
Thanks Lo - see besides giving me an awesome painting lesson you've got me started on a new fun little project.
Update: After buying more clay at Michaels, (and we tried to take a walk in the woods but the slippery slidy didn't work well for me) I came home and spent the afternoon working on the bigger paperclay guy. He lost his original head, I made a new one. His arms need some bulking up. His feet are big cause I put some washers in them to weigh him down (hope DH doesn't need that bolt anytime soon). I had SO much fun! Next he dries and I get to sandpaper him and paint.

I love everything you have made, and it's very inspiring to see how someone else uses something like paperclay. I need a Michael's coupon, too - lol!! I'm almost out of the stuff. :) So nice to meet you, Mim!
Wow, talk about inspiration. How fun is this!! Can't wait to see where you go with it.
paperclay! again! i have two packages--lo got me started too--and when i open one i have no idea what i will do. maybe that's the point, right mim?
these are good! you and lo are so good with colors. i want to learn photoshop too, or is it adobe illustrator? or both?
i know totally what you mean about inspiration from others. myself, i feel like i've died and gone to heaven being around my incrediably creative friends. (yes i mean you). to share time and inspiration together is double heaven.
pam, buy a sunday paper! those michael coupons are everywhere!
can't wait to see where this leads you mim.
i know how to spell incredibly.
for the record.
Such cool stuff. Makes me want to run out to Michael and buy paper clay so Zoe and I could give it a try : )
I've never used paper clay either! And now I feel I must try...see what Lo's started! I did try Fimo years ago, is it similar? I think you are correct in thickening up his arms a bit. Will you be adding hair, or it he finished? I'm sure you could do Miss Em - and then you could do her in all sorts of poses, my favorite is still the one where she gets her annual mammogram. I still laugh when I think of her!
mimmimmim!!!!!!!!!! Look at you go girl!! I turn my back and now I'm finding I have to ask you for lessons!
OMG, that guy!! Those house plaques. Good grief, you really SAW what I brought and disected it and made it yourself! You are freaking amazing, truly,
Now I can't wait to get my paperclay book. Bolts in the guys feet?? I never would have thought of that. I'm so amateur!
So, about Ms. Em....what about drawing her facial features on with a micron pen just like the drawings of her? Once she's painted and dry, there you go!
my oh my oh my...we need another art day soon! Whoa!
Proud of you girlfriend ;)
P.S. I love that I know exactly where Ms. Em is standing ;)
And um, what's with the blood trail?? Please tell me it's red paint.
Yup -red paint! I'm not a neat nick down there in the basement.
Thank you all -this is fun stuff
I think these are a hoot. I love messing with clay. I haven't tried paperclay. I might find some and give it a whirl. Your last guy has a lot of character. Maybe that is Ms Ems fellow.
I just love what you're doing with Paper Clay!
As the "Resident Non-Artist: in this group, I am still mystified by what "paper clay" is! One thing I DO KNOW though - is you are a truly talented artist - no matter the medium. Your first works with paper clay look far better and more appealing than many of the things currently on ETSY!
Brava to you! (Ms. Em is adorin all the new ways you continue to bring her to life!)
♥ Robin ♥
Mim, this is all so wonderful! If paperclay is anything like porcelain clay(probably not) the learning curve is huge. My only advice is to be kind with yourself and don't go for a materpiece right away :-).xoxo
I never ever even heard of paper clay before now! And you know me and new ideas! Please, not a new medium. I am way too busy as it is!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE those placques! I thought they were Lo's until she wrote! Your People in clay are so much fun! I laughed out loud at your sneaking in DH's tools! These are already good so you can only astound us as you continue to learn more! Keep having fun, as it is obvious that you are. Can't wait to see ms em in her canoe!
Hmmm interesting. Used to muck about with terra cotta years ago, very therapeutic.
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