Friday, September 7, 2007

Illustration Friday - September 7th

I am trying to teach myself digital art and this is HARD stuff to learn. My second try. Not quite - well not even close - to what I wanted so I will keep playing.


ElizT said...

Lots of momentum! I like the way the second man has belted the ball into the top one's leg.

countrygarden said...

looks great to me, though i've not played with digital at all. you've accomplished momentum!


Looks like you have momentum....and that will carry you far in your digital dreams, I'm sure. Good for you!!

Mim said...

Thanks for all of your supportive comments! This is tough stuff to learn! But fun!

soulbrush said...

very very clever, go go go!

biteyourowntail said...

You've certainly got momentum going there...but it's not easy is it? I hate photoshop with a vengeance (only because I can't use it)