But you know me. This has turned into an anthropological, design, genealogy project. I decided that I would make this recipe book for a cousin's son's upcoming engagement. Then I thought
how great it would be to add pictures of our family's women to the book. Then I realized that most of the recipes would have to be rewritten/retyped up so that they are legible. And I'd like to add something about how the pictured woman are related. And should I add in the in-laws? How about the third wife of a close cousin (actually she's a dear, I will add her) - but you see the dilemma.
So I've been scanning in recipes like mad. Scanning in photo's of aunts, cousins, great aunts, grandma's, mothers, sisters and great-great grandmas. Trying to add a sort of well rounded set of recipes - but right now it's heavy on desserts.
Here's a funny recipe -

I come home and scan. I scan before work. I beg new pictures of certain people, cause the ones I have are awful. I don't want anyone to feel left out, so I'm asking for recipes from some of the cousins. Often the recipes are: "Microwave for three minutes or whatever it says on the box" or "call Bonefish grill for takeout".
I want to get this done by Passover so that I can give it to the happy young couple and have other family around to see the book. Good luck to me!
Awesome project. I'm like you though - my little projects tend to blow up into massive undertakings. Not that it isn't worth it in the end but I never seem to end up quite where I originally planned to be when I started.
Sounds wonderful. I like that direction of a mound of flower. This is going to be a wonderful book and I anticipate your relatives will be ordering copies!
That is an awesom task...I don't blame you for wanting to add all the extras you referred to. It will be a very special keepsake. Good Luck for sure!
hi mim!
how fun! i did something kind of similar last year and called it the Langer Family cookbook with recipes and family photos. i made it in shutterfly.com
i would be happy to show it to you online if you want. shutterfly is rreally amazing for their photobooks and layout options.
:) melissa
What a thoughtful and meaningful gift. Mim, you are the best.
Great idea! Good luck.
Good luck with THAT! I'm for calling the Bonefish Grille for reservations! Does anyone cook anymore these days? I have a lot of my mother-in-law's recepies, but I'm not much of a cook. These recepies you posted make sense to me, because I usually make things up as I go, and switch things around. I wonder why my meals are always such a disappointment?
P.S. my word verification is "cookbili"!! Ha Ha!
I hope this young cousin is the type to appreciate family heirlooms which this certainly is becoming. And will save it and pass it down accordingly.
Perhaps you should make two. Or do them on line so you can have as many copies ordered for as many family members who might want it. They would pay themselves of course.
I hope you are scanning the original receipe and then adding the type written more legiable one.
Pardon me for adding my 2 cents worth. Just what I would do if I were creating such a gem. I know yours will be spectacular. What a lot of love and work.
What a sweet and special idea to do this recipe book! Looking at those typed (even that is funny) index cards made me go to the kitchen and pull out my old metal index card box that some of my family recipes are in and look at them again...it had been a while.
Lots of memories and remembering family times...Raspberry Ribbon Pie, Mushroom Dip, Flounder Florentine (I never liked that, not sure why I have that recipe)...
you know, mim, i like how you spend your time. worthy fun stuff, all of it.
You have really taken on a project. Maybe you should make one for the whole family since you are redoing everything. Major task for sure.
DH's mother has a cookbook also and I especially love the .02 cents of yeast.
oh what a lovely idea. specially that you use a lot of scans. i would love to have a book like that form my family.
unfortunately i can´t really read the riting of my grandma very well. the old german writing is just too different and when it is not printed but in handwriting i really have difficulties.
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