I came home early from work today so that DH and I could take a nice walk. We walked down our favorite bike path (still covered with snow) and onto a wooded trail that we often ride. I felt very carefree and completely happy.
Deep into the woods, my phone rang...it was my cousin telling me that my mom had just been in a car accident! Mom was "fine" but the car was totaled - she sideswiped a Tractor Trailer.
I am now having a meltdown. I am heading down to Sarasota this week anyway - but feel like all the wind has been taken out of my sails. I'm grateful as all get out that she's OK, but the thought that she might have been hurt or killed is just knocking me down. I can't lose my mom now....
I'm still not sure about this mortality thing. I just don't like it right now. Too fragile. Too unexpected. Too scary.
I'm glad your Mom is ok. Sheesh, Sarasota has the worst traffic for someplace that is really pretty small.
mim, thinking of you and starting to think we might have coffee together one of these days. i can imagine how unreal and shaky you must feel. i'm so glad your mom is okay. you'll get through this, and spring will help.
Great photo of you and your Mom. how long ago was that taken?
Soooooo glad she was alright. Scary any how I know.
OMG Mim, dear Mim.
She's okay and you'll be okay. Don't think of the what ifs, that doesn't help.
It may be time you have to take away the car keys and that's a hard thing for any kid to have to do. It takes away the last of their independence, but dang Mim, a tractor trailer?
Get the facts and put all the pieces together. Maybe it was a flukie incident. You'll do what you need to do, but right now hug your mom and stomp on those what ifs.
You're a stronger woman than you give yourself credit for.
I LOVE the picture of you two ;)
What an excellent photo of you and your mom! Thanks so much for sharing it. Thank goodness she is o.k., but it does scare the dickens out of you and puts you on edge. Take care in your travels.
All I can think to do is send you hugs and suggest you listen to the relaxation CD. Whew. Thank G-d mom is okay. I am sure she is shaken up too. You can soon hold each other and cry over this scary incident/accident.
Drive carefully. I would naturally think of the what ifs, but lets focus instead of the
Thank G-ds...she's okay. She was not killed or hurt.
Take a deep breath and go get a hug from someone who loves you there. ;-)
Hi everyone - thanks for the comments and support. Yes, she is OK and I am so grateful for that but the realization hit me that she is my remaining parent - and that she is somewhat "ditzy" sometimes. is it time to take away the car keys? I'm not sure about that yet, but the state of florida might make that decision for us - her license expires on Friday and has to be renewed. Don't know if she has done that yet. I know that this type of accident can happen to anyone - but she does get distracted when driving - so we'll have to talk about that.
thank goodness DH was with me when I got this call and was able to keep me from a complete meltdown with hugs.
Whew! that's all I've been saying since last night.
KJ - I'm thinking spring, and breakfast at one of your local colorful diners!
That picture of me and mom was from about 10 years ago - I wish I had a more recent one that was as good. This was one of those spontaneous ones that turned out great.
Thanks again everyone.
Oh Mim, Hang in there. ((Hugs))
so fragile. I know what you mean, Mim.
take care.
oh nooooooo. thank god she is okay. yes, maybe it is time for her to stop driving, specially right now. what a lot of pressure on your shoulders. lots of hugs and warm fuzzies coming your way.
we had to take my dad's keys from him soon after my mom died as he was in a minor crash too. he just wasn't coping and concentrating.
was so shocked i forgot to say how much i love this photo (think we've seen it before). and also there's a new award for you on my blog 'sister' when you return. and also, m and c loved your quilt and toy. they were so thrilled.
I'm sending lots of hugs to you Mim! Hope all is well with your Mom! Have a safe trip.
oh my goodness...I am so sorry to hear that...our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family....I am so happy she is ok!!!
Oh Mim. I wanted to say welcome to my world, but it sounded harsh and I didn't mean it that way. I've gotten some relief with my parents just be realizing that like raising kids, you can only do the best you can. There is no "right" answer.
With elderly parents, belief in the right answer can only lead to grief, because, in the end, there is the end. But, that is not today-today enjoy your Mom and don't let fears for the future cloud that joy.
So glad she's ok but how frustrating and scary.
Oh dear Mim,
I inderstand that your emotional bucket (that´s how we call it....) is full and one drop more will let it overflow.......
But thank goodness your Mom is ok.
I have no idea how old your Mom is and if it is time for her to let go of her drivers license. So sad because bit by bit they have to let go.........this is a a little piece of freedom.
I just returned home after beeing away for 3 days. I had this couurse at Schiphol and than I stayed with my brother for 2 days to help with the moving of Mom.
I´m glad to be home again!
Tomorrow I will stay here and Monday I will help with the last things and then we will bring Mom to her new home. I hope she will like it and can have a few happy years there........
I hope you won´t worry too much. Later this week you will see your Mom, who is unharmed and maybe the answers will come naturally.....
btw Nice picture of the 2 of you!!
Great photo! You two look so relaxed and happy and mom is elegant as I remember her.
So scary to hear about her crash (and yours). The car key question is one that plagues me as well it is so hard to know what to do and the fear that waiting too long will result in disaster.
Oh I feel for you dear Mim. You will likely calm down when you get down to Fla and can see for yourself how she is doing.
Love to you both. (And DH) HIlary
I'm here too Mim, thinking of you.
Thanks all, I've calmed down after a nice relaxing visit with friend Grace. I'm going to point out to mom how much we all need her right now, and that just because we are not with her everyday - doesn't mean that we need her any less. I could NOT take another loss, and she needs to understand that!!!! Tough love for a tough old bat!!!
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