Monday, March 9, 2009

The Orient Express Trip

I'm wearing clothes right out of the J.Peterman catalog as I board this train for an exciting adventure. The moon is full, yet there are wispy clouds in the sky as I get my real leather luggage loaded into my room. Everything in the room is perfect - the crisp white sheets on the bed are turned down, my luggage fits in the overhead compartment, and the tiny bathroom is clean (whew!) After a brief wash-up - I head out to the dining car for the 2nd dinner sitting. The dining car is dim and romantic looking, and the porter seats me at a table with a dark, handsome man who is also traveling alone...we smile briefly at each other before consulting the menu...hmmm - should I go for the oysters??? or chicken soup....I wonder what this night will bring

(to be continued)


Marie Reed said...

What a clever idea! A cliffhanger story!

MuseSwings said...

Ooooooh! That must be who the mysterious man in the dining car is! I am so excited to see what intrigue will be on the menu. In the meantime I would highly recommend the oysters, dahlink! I shall return as soon as I have safely stowed my jewels.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

This is getting very intersting. So many possibilities on the OE.

sukipoet said...

what fun. this is the way Dickens published his stories. Weekly bits in the papers.

ArtistUnplugged said...

What a fun idea.......must say I'm intrigued with that mysterious man AND the size of that bathroom!

Tea Time With Melody said...

Can't wait to see what happens next! Who is that mystery man....

Lynn Cohen said...

What did I miss? Soulbrush had characters who just missed this train! Now you have someone having an encounter of a potentially romantic kind aboard it. I am intriqued.

ChaChaneen said...

Ooooooooh Daling, this has me at the edge of my seat! Continue, continue!!! In fact, come tell us all about it in my private car as I'll be hosting afternoon tea later this afternoon.

petra michelle; Whose role is it anyway? said...

Love cliffhangers! And writing this script as we go along!
Thus far, we've got a mystery man whom we think is James Bond, and
a murder. We'll have to borrow Hercule Poirot who is guarding one of our compatriots gems to help solve the case. He believes we are all suspects! Thank God, Ian Fleming will be keeping us apprised!

studio lolo said...

I say go for the oysters if you want to snag this mystery man, or go with the chicken soup if you're more interested in snoozing with granny!

What fun!

Debby said...

Make sure the mystery man gets oysters.

Anonymous said...

You make everything seem so normal.
I can't wait to hear you tell what's really going on here. Who are you trying to protect? Did Bond get to you already?

Tea Time With Melody said...

Lyn is trying to steal my James whom I believe is the mysterious "J" who stood me up for dinner. I think you need to keep an eye on her, she may be stealing more than my man.

Katiejane said...

Now, this is interesting. What brought this on, I wonder?

Cris, Artist in Oregon said...

Oh how romantic. I always fantisized about a trip on the Orient Express. This sounds like the trip. :))