I am posting this in advance as I am off for a trip to southern CA - a quick whirlwind trip with the red eye home. The company is asking us to travel less, which is JUST fine with me! The timing stinks for this trip, as I have a girls weekend planned for the 1st and 2nd - 4 of us are going to Martha's vineyard for a weekend at the house that DH and I stayed in for vacation this summer.
A confession - I have never...NEVER...had a weekend away with just the girlfriends. I really don't know why, perhaps I enjoy being with DH and don't want to miss our precious time together - mostly because I travel so much. I have spent many weekends away with family in CA, Florida and even Italy. But never local...never really intentional.
We've been friends for over 20 years - and we finally get a chance to talk and share stuff that you just don't do when the guys are around. I'll show them Ms. Em drawings and let them draw their own conclusions/interpretations. One friend is a new grandma (altho she looks about 40), and the other has a 40 year old daughter and a 13 year old daughter. The third has raised her stepsons - with little support from their bio mother and has done a wonderful job of it. We all love dogs. We all love the beach, comfortable clothes, and three of us are scientists. The fourth one quit her job at a company in Boston and opened a wine store in NH (the WineStudio!) Our other friend, who was supposed to join us just broke her ankle and has to stay home - altho I think she could make it (having been there myself) - but it probably would be uncomfortable for her. We call ourselves " The Foundation Club" because we all realize that at this point in our lives - foundation garments are a necessity. (for obvious reasons, I am the chief foundation garment wearer)
Happy Animal Wednesday everyone - if you don't see me it's because I'm on a damned airplane!
Really nice owl. Have a great trip. And what a fun fun get away you all have planned. So lovely you have this group of friends and I think it will be a glorious time.
I knew as soon as I saw your drawing that this is a snowy owl! He's just beautiful! Have a wonderful trip! Fun fun fun with the girls!
We have lunches; among the most enjoyable aspects of my life. They go off on a sketching trip soon but I have to miss it.
Great owl! I know you will have a wonderful time with the girls!!
Hope you're having a fun time with friends!
I love the owl. Beautiful.
HAW-I bet you have a blast on your weekend. I miss chick weekends.
I love your Owl.....
love the spirit in this owl!
also, i have had a wonderful group of girlfriends to go away with once every year or so since college...we just lost one of us so treasure every moment....hope you have/had a blast!
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