This was actually done on a plane last April - no actual time to draw yesterday.
My big excitement yesterday was (drum roll please)......
New Bra shopping!
Being well endowed doesn't come cheap, especially if you want the girls to be comfortable and to stay in one plane. I went to a department store...got "fitted" and bought a years worth of bras. I can't divulge the size, it's too depressing. And nothing changes them! I could lose 50 lbs and they'd still be up there in the alphabet.
I know that I shouldn't complain, and should be glad for my curvaceous figure. But I called my best friend on the way home from the store - she's had breast cancer and had to have a mastectomy. I said "can I complain about this" and she had a good laugh with me...agreed that it was my god given right to bitch about it... and even she couldn't believe what I had to buy.
Maybe I should get some milage out of them and draw the heap of bras that I had to buy.
Driving home from the store I felt like they were taking up the whole back seat - I actually had to turn around to see if they still fit into the rather small package that I took home.
And, to heap insult upon injury, ALL the other women in my family are rather flat chested. And tall and thin. I'm convinced that my mom found me by the side of the road, but she insists that isn't true. But even she was astounded when I called her last night. "I wonder where you got them" she mused.
Thanks Mom!!!!
Added Note: This is an illustration that I did for Illustration Friday night - many moons ago. Most (ALL) of my stuff on that site was truly bizarre and bad but I had fun with the challenge and to heck with it all I thought. Anyway, this was one of my favorite drawings and now you know why. Even Mr. P liked it - or lusted it.

Added Note: This is an illustration that I did for Illustration Friday night - many moons ago. Most (ALL) of my stuff on that site was truly bizarre and bad but I had fun with the challenge and to heck with it all I thought. Anyway, this was one of my favorite drawings and now you know why. Even Mr. P liked it - or lusted it.

Hysterical! I am spending this morning before work...the job that pays the bills...catching up on some blog reading. So needless to say this post is how I am starting my day. Ought to be a fun one now. I shop for bras in isle 4 of the pharmacy, where the bandaids can be found, and my best friend has gone to a foo-foo bra store where the woman described her as "pendulous". So complain away and I will keep hoping mine will appear soon and yes you should draw them for breast cancer awareness month!!! Thanks for such a fun post!
With the Lap Band, my girls have moved all over the spectrum (and my chest). For awhile, I was one of those women who always wore sports bras because the size changes were too expensive to keep up with.
I'm looking forward to being one size and staying that size-boobies and all.
Funny post. I am in the very small category so fun to hear from those on the opposite end of the scale. I like yr dust motes drawings. Achooo.
My heart goes out to you Mim, as I understand that large breasts can cause back aches and be difficult for finding well fitting clothes as well. I have a cousin who had a bust reduction surgury and one who has had a breast implant operation to make hers larger. We live in a world of discontent in this arena.
And then there are the women who have lost theirs to cancer and that of course is the sadest of all. Size-wise I'm in the small/average range and am past wishing they were more. They are just starting to lose their perkiness and I can only imagine with continued aging they will go the way of most/all older womens bodies towards the waist, downward, deflated, flat? (Men btw have an appendage that does the same!)
I am not looking forward to my bodies skins changings, but don't think I have much choice. The idea of being a bag of old skin with perky boobs seems more a bad joke than the alternative.
All this to say I hear you and hope you do draw your bras. Suki has a quote today about drawing having a healing factor! ;-)
roflol, this did cheer me up mim. none of us are ever happy with what we have......draw the bras please and also draw ms em fitting new bras too.
I should have such a problem!!
It's a pity that any really comfortable bra does nothing for the appearance; in my case pendulous.
i knew you would all understand!
Mim, I solved the closure problem on the purse, come back and see what you think.
Your very funny discription makes me laugh. Altho I dont want to laugh as it is a royal pain finding clothes to fit right and the backaches it can cause, but if you dont laugh you cry.
I hate to say this, but I think I heard they keep growing as we age too. Which for bandaid types might be great and others NOT SO GREAT.
oh BTW dust mite drawing is good. got side tracked. LOL
They are like EARS! They do keep growing! The boobs that took over the world!!!
I am right there with you girlfriend...!! Yep same same!! Always the same!! High up there in alphabet is all they are!
Peace Giggles
I used to be so tiny and had absolutely NO boobs whatsoever. I used to think Cleavage was one of our presidents!! But now I'm middle-aged and overweight and I have boobs. I'm wondering what the big deal is/was. But then I do check out my cleavage every once in a while and say "oh yeah baby, look at me now!"
But no one does :)
Laurel - I got boobs when I was 10 years old and had no idea what to do with them. Mom forced me into a bra (wisely) but I never got comfortable with them - I was just too young. Giggles and Eliz - glad to see there are others out there with the same alphabet challenge. I think the thing about having the bandaid sized ones,Karen and Suki, is that you can always do the additions to look good in clothes, but there ain't no way to minimize the big girls. Lynn, you're right about not being happy with what we have and I struggle with that. But, when you have permanent lines in your shoulders and even your doctor says that they are just too big for you - you tend to start thinking about corrective surgery. It's really not anything that I've ever wanted to do and I feel blessed that they are healthy. But if I lie down on my back, I get an asthma attach from the pressure.. Its like in the old witch trial where they pressed you to death with stones!
With my superstitious background I have always wanted to simply count my blessings and not wish for more. I was brought up with the "be careful what you wish for" brigade and am uncomfortable with wanted something that was not god-given. But...I am starting to change my mind and the catalyst for that is my doctor saying that something is medically helpful. For me, that turns around the whole equation!
Enought ranting at 5 in the morning!
Hilarious edit image!! It took me a minute before I got my bearing...but then realized it was a bird's eye view!
At first I thought it was one of those thingies that fall of maple trees :D
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