I should be packing for my quick trip to California but I'm not. I'm blogging and reading blogs - my favorite way to start the day. Found this on TeriC's site - hmmmmm.....Ms. Em on a tee shirt? It could be so opposite of the "Life is Good" tee shirts. More of a "Life can be so dangerous" shirts. Might just try it!
On another note, this post made me laugh out loud yesterday and then I had a funny experience with my mom last night.
Last time my niece (bless her heart) was in Sarasota she put "Skype" on mom's computer. All I said was "you're in charge of this program dear niece - I absolutely refuse to try to troubleshoot it from far away" and she agreed. Of course, I got Skype also so that we can chat in person. So last night I took a chance and called mom on the computer and yes...she was there and we started to chat. But she kept looking downwards - and I kept waving my arms and saying "MOM - look UP" and she would raise her face but not her eyes. I tried like heck to get her to change her camera angle, (I checked mine) and I saw her nose only, then her chest and finally got a full face view (still looking down). So we talked for awhile just about this and that - (it really is nice to be able to do this). Then dad came in the room and it became a group chat. He says "you look great" and I said "thanks" - completely remembering that he can't see, is considered blind from macular degeneration! But thanks anyways Dad - nothing like a parents fond affection.
After about 20 minutes we hung up - and then DH came in and wanted to know what all the shouting was about. Yes...I was virtually yelling at the computer! Mom can't put the receiver closer to her good ear and there was alot of "WHAT???" and "Yes, your town is lovely" after I just told her that I went up to Portsmouth for the morning. "MOM - I WENT TO PORTSMOUTH NOT MY TOWN" and she said "OH HOW NICE". This went on for the 20 minutes -
but I still enjoyed it!
My parents remember the New York Worlds Fair in the 60's where they showed video phones and they are completely fascinated by the ability to see and talk to us. What they don't like is that they can't hug and kiss us - especially the kids - and they actually would sometimes rather talk on the phone and not feel the need to touch us. I can understand, and actually, despite all my making fun, I'm quite proud of my folks to be able to navigate their way thru their computer. Even tho I spend hours listening to "I got your picture but I don't know were it went" type conversations.
How good to be able to complain about my 85 and 94 year old parents. Dad is down to about 140 lbs and is weak as a kitten but is still my dad, my ally.
Love them both.
SWweet memories. I hope you know how wonderful it is for your parents to be listened to. So many elderly people don't have anyone to share memories with.
Oh Mim, I am teary eyed reading this. What a wonderful daughter you are to be patient while your elderly parents try so hard to be teckies of the 21st century. I am proud of them, as I know you are too. Hard to be so far away.
Where in California are you going? How I'd love to meet you one day.
I'm in Vacaville, one hour from San Francisco. Someday perhaps?
Yes, Ms EM on T-shirts. I am going to attempt to Zazzle today. It seems such an easy way to sell/share our art in pictures, which I want to do with my photo cards. No work other than uploading the photos...no shipping etc. They do it all.
Do it!!!
I have let myself forget about Skype; the family try to teach me all these things and I master only some.
I know about shopping commissions; still look in shops for the sort of calendar which has little wooden blocks that you turn over every day, until remembering that she died in 1994.
I never heard of skype. A sweet story.
I remind myself when Dad does something odd on the computer that they didn't even have phones when he was a boy. Lots of new to absorb. Lately Mom has started referring to the computer as "the television", which makes me a little sad.
How lucky you are to still have your parents around. I'm working on a book about my mother and how I'd like to have her back for a year so I can show her how good life can be. It's hard to write it. Maybe that's why I haven't picked it up for a while.
And I love Zazzle! I've ordered lots of postage stamps with my art on them. It's very cool. I can see Miss Em on many things!
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