In her last few years she got more interested in religion, in a strange way. It's not like she went to church on a regular basis, but she was involved in religion in her own way...reading about miracles...getting holy oil from a church...looking for "living saints". She was brought up a strict Catholic and went to religious school her whole life until college. But she had a great sense of humor and loved kitsch - especially religious kitsch. I could rarely buy this woman a present that she didn't return for one reason or another - the scarf I gave her was the wrong color...or the gloves didn't fit...it was always something. But if I gave her a $2.00 box of Jesus bandaids - she'd be thrilled! So yes...I always looked out for the glow in the dark statue of Mary that goes on top of the TV - or the Jesus bandaids - you get the picture.
One other important story. When Lucile and Frank were moving into their last apartment, they left some stuff on the curb until they could go back and get it. Of course it got stolen! One item that was stolen was a childs ceramic tea set that Lucile wanted to keep for her daughter Claire. She was really heartbroken about that loss - it was one of those Fiesta ware sets that she loved. That was years ago but I always remembered that story. I also love ceramics and miniatures.
Last night I saw this childs tea set on Ebay - for $1.00. I put a bid in and I'll see if I get it. Luciles daughter Claire will love it and will get the reference. It'll be a christmas present with a long story to go along with it.
And that's my story for today!
I hope you get it. How special that would be.
its a great story, but I have to tell you that I woke up this morning wishing I had some(or at least one) Jesus band-aid...
and then find an excuse to wear it in my mother's presence. I can be such a brat.
thanks cris - I'll post if I do get it.. Fern...now I've found someone who likes my strange kitsch. wonderful
oh what a touching little story..felt for you...and i know you will get it.
oh God! this true story was really moving...
have you got it?
the beautiful part is that you're trying to fulfill her wish...
blessings to you
Is the Mary and baby Jesus tea set the one on EBAY? I may be confused.Lots of interesting stories here. Am about to write on on my blog today...Never saw Jesus bandaides but my BFF had a glow in the dark Jesus picture that had his eyes closed but when you took him into the dark closet and then brought him out again his eyes opened! We thought that was a miracle then in 1950. ;-)
Mim, there's a store here that has wonderful gifts. They have a little coin bank with a picture of Jesus on it and it says...ready?..."Jesus Saves!"
I laughed sooo hard I almost bought it. I wouldn't know who to give it to though.
This is a very sweet and thoughtful thing you're doing. I hope you win the set!
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