Saturday, October 13, 2007

Illustration Friday - Oct 13th

Well, this is one of the strangest things I have done. Here is the history. The topic for IF this week is "extremes". Of course, I thought of dogs, and wanted to illustrate a Great Dane and a Chihuahua. I thought I 'd add a person to illustrate the sizes.

I grabbed the closest paper that I had to hand and realized that it was called acrylic paper, OK again, should be no problems, I've used acrylics before.

Well, this paper or whatever it is, is SO nasty, grabbing the paint and holding it, and dragging the colors and just plain being nasty. Being me, I refused to give up and even tried to do a background and actually gave up on that. And I realize that I've gotten used to watercolor, and I just didn't know how to work with the acrylics now. Look at that poor dogs red leg, what the heck is that!

I may redo the theme, but here it is for now. I'm thoroughly disgusted as well as intrigued. I can imagine that I am going to attack this Paper until I get it to bend to my will.


ElizT said...

No, you did a very good painting, then decided to highlight the man and the dogs by leaving that part of the background white. The Dane has bitten someone to bleeding pieces and the owner is spreading his hands in despair, saying, 'What can I do!'.

Teri said...

What a great reason to do such an extreme painting. It really is clever.

Mim said...

You are both wonderful. E - I love your story and I'll stand by it!

*mARTha* said...

I like how it looks as well, plus well, even when is great when things just work the first time we try them out, i think is also nice to find little challenges to make us better in what we do...

When i work with Acrylics i start with the darkest color and then go adding lighter ones, so the changes are notorious (don't know if this is the word i am looking for)... anyway, the good thing of acrylic is that it can be diluted to the degree that is easier to handle...

Option b of course, is use other type of paper, hehe. ;)
