Saturday, January 5, 2008

Illustration Friday Night - January 5th

Topic: How I eventually came to know nothing at all.
Difficult one I think. My initial thought was books, then I picked one up and started to draw. That's it. Done. Post.
Religion is always controversial, if not alternative. It can fall under a number of acceptable IFN concepts such as :
Politically incorrect, simple, sacrilegious, literate, existential, brooding and candid.
ha HA - let's see if anyone comments about kitties on this post.


soulbrush said...

religion is a very tricky subject for me, like this drawing though, and i like the sentiment of 'how we eventually come to know nothing at all, that's so true.

Mim said...

Thanks FY - you were the only one to commnent on this drawing, and I simply like the picture. The sentiment was OK, I got a little bit sarcastic on the topic, but I still liked the way the hand came out and the book and that's my story.