Saturday, January 19, 2008

A Place to Bark - Contest update

The picture above is my brother's family dog - a wonderful fat little pug named Maggie. She is the friendliest litte dog and get's so excited when people visit that she curls into a comma shape and walks at you sideways wiggling all the time. Isn't she so ugly that she's cute??? (gotta love those pugs)

Bernie is in second place to win the big contest to build her kennel. Winning the contest is dependent on the number of people donating, not the amount, but I think $10.00 is the minimum, see the badge below. Go to Bernie's site and see the video she has posted with the latest set of pups, just amazing. And please donate. I know that you all have...pass the word along!

1 comment:

Debra Kay said...

Pugs are the cutest things. I believe Greta is at least partially pug or bulldog.

Bernie is doing a wonderful thing with those dogs.