Sunday, January 13, 2008

stitches again

This was my first drawing for "Stitches" but then I remembered my altered book and posted that instead. My scanner is going goofy and I'm not happy with the shadows on the scan. It's not printing well either and may have to have something drastic done to it.

On the way home last night, as we were taxing out of Myrtle Beach, I quickly sketched the view outside my window of our little wing. Just for fun.


Debra Kay said...

I was thinking about that phrase-does it mean if you put one stitch in in time, you will not need nine (cause the hole won't get bigger?)...That is one of those phrases we all know, yet, I at least, had no real clue what it meant. Is it the synonym phrase for "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?"

Mim said...

I think so. Like if you let things unraveled they usually go further than you'd imagine. In my case, it didn't mean anything

ElizT said...

The fact that you drew the plane's wing meant that it couldn't possibly fall off.

Sarah said...

I agree with elizt.

I also think 'a stitch' etc means pretty much what you think Mim - catch something early and it wwon't take much to deal with it - leave it and it'll probably get worse. Just like my overdue tax return...

Debra Kay said...

Sarah, are you reading my mind...LOL.

soulbrush said...

ha ha a plane's wing, now why didn't i think of that all those hours i spent up there floating around, great mate.