Wimpy Animal Wednesday for me - I have had no time to draw or even think about it this week, so I may have shown this canary before...but I like him...he's cheery and friendly right?

"doing" art. I copied pictures from one of those "how to" books and decoupaged and painted. I remember thinking - "wow - this adventure could be fun" and it certainly has been.
Okay, now for my new addiction. I have lots of conference calls to listen into, some of which I don't say a word. So my little 3.5x3.5 cards and a black drawing pen are coming with me to do zentangles (mimtangles? worktangles?)

Happy Animal Wedensday Mim. I love your canary. The Mimworktangles are great too. What fun.
Mim-a fun thing to do might be to put one away for a couple of weeks, then pull it out and see if you can remember the meeting you drew it in-what you you were thinking, etc.
I was notorious for doodling in my note margins, but I could always look at the doodle to bring back something I may have forgotten from the meeting.
I started doodling on notes years ago-I had a boss who was always harping on not writing/doodling names, etc. because she had an ex boyfriend who was called in to a court case because she doodled his name on meeting notes. (I'm talking about her personal notepad, not a formal note). So, she encouraged us all to doodle.
Is it wrong that I'm looking forward to a boring meeting on my schedule tomorrow because I'm totally going to spend it drawing zentangles?
Nice canary and birdhouse....but I love the mimtangles and my favorite is the third one! I am going to have to try that, maybe at this weekend's volleyball tournament....alot of sitting around!
I love your canary and your tangles are wonderful. Almost makes one want to go to a mtg.
I like that last doodle, sort of looks like a sea anemone. And the birdhouse is sweet...hope this doesn's sound too strange, but I'd like something that cute to hide those square kleenex boxes in!
Next, something for toliet paper rolls cuz my cats unravel and shred any paper on the roller but not consistently enough for me to hide it, lol.
Teri and the cats of Furrydance
Well I'm glad they're happy tears!! And I was so happy when you said it was "your boy" right away :) I have to varnish it today and then give it a good day to cure before mailing it. I don't want the bubblewrap to stick to it. Think of it as a Valentines Day pressie!
I love this canary! He IS a happy little guy. He reminds me we all have something to sing about. And I'm loving the decoupaged birdhouse. That's hard to do!!
HAW Mim...glad you like him :)
What a wonderful story you've shared. I used to do some similar art and loved it. Thanks for sharing. Take care and enjoy your Today,
Wow, Mim! These are fantastic. I am not a doodler. I never seem to have any down time for that sort of thing. Wish I did. I love the birdhouse. Now, that is something I could get into, (well, not my whole body). I like crafty projects like that and I have quite a collection of birdhouses.
Lovely canary!
The mimtangles are great . I love the last one!
Looks like a seaflower , an actinia .
What do I have to do to join Animal Wednesday?
your mintangles are minty! that lolo, her love just pours out of her in an unending stream of gifts....she is a real love. i rang her to thank her for my cards and we chatted for an hour, non stop- remind you of two other 'pink girls'.?
These are great Mimtangles. I should try them. Love your canary. Very well done. Dont recall seeing it before.
I like the third doodle too; have you considered colouring it?
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