I heard about Zentangles thru Teri but thought it was a made-up-word for her neat artwork. Recently she mentioned the website, so I went and review the theory. What is funny is that I have been doing these for years - mostly in boring meetings, but never knew what I was doing had an official name.

So today I cut up some paper to 3.5 x 3.5 - grabbed my pen and started. Here are my first 4

It really is relaxing and fun.

Wow Mim, these are great. It must have been a weekend of zens because I did a few of them too.
I still don't understand
I also do these all the time and had no idea there was a real name for it. I learned something! And it's still so early in the day, maybe I can just go home now?
Fern - it's official doodling. Meditating on paper - something like that.
Isn't it exciting to 'officially name your 'doodles'?! These are just great. Welcome to the zentangle club :)
Hey, those are neat...it is like very nice doodling! Thanks for sharing!
Very interesting! Meditative doodling - that actually ends up being beautiful...nice!
Wow, I love these! I just bought a pad of bristol paper in a square format. I was so excited...I adore square formats! Yes, I can cut my own but why bother?
I started a zentangle sketchbook a couple of months back. I do them while watching TV. They're not good enough to share :/
I have a friend who (like you) has been doing these for years and never knew there was a name other than "doodles" for them. Her lines are so intricate and meticulous and fantastical. Some of them blow my mind!
Uh-oh...are we going to have a zentangle club soon?
I adore your fish!!!
Mim yours have your own personality showing through, quite unique. I do believe the Zentangle people are simply profiting off of the doodling people have been doing since time began...by giving it a new age sounding name and selling kits! OHMYGOODNESS. I like mine on brown paper bags from the grocery store!
yes they are quirky, mimsie quirky, love em. 'everyone's doing it, doing it'....
It does look fun. I will have to give it a try.
Those are so cool!
And they look fun to do...
:^) Anna
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