Grace and I went out to dinner last week with Brian - one of her twin boys - my adored nephews who are now 16 years old - they tower over me - but are two of the best, sweetest nicest kids I know.
Yes, I'm biased but who cares.
I'm going thru old pictures for a project and found this one of the twins when they were about 1. Brian is the one on the right, with the balder head ( ooh, I loved that bald head - it was so delicious). He was a shyer child, he really had to know you before he would even "speak" to you. Of course, he knew me from the day he was born so I was lucky (in more ways than one!)

I keep this picture on the windowsill in my office area, and have been looking at it and smiling for a few weeks. When we went out to dinner, Brian ordered a root beer and watching him drink it gave me such a shock. It looked like a real beer, and it struck me how grown up he is getting and how it really, actually does feel like yesterday that they were tiny babies. The time has gone by SO fast, I never knew what people meant when they said that. The reality of them as grown up is accepted, I truly realize it - but there is a piece of me that still sees them as babies, and little boys. Now when my mom tells me "you will always be my baby" - I totally understand what she means. It's not that she doesn't accept or love me as a grown woman - it's that it was yesterday for her that I actually WAS her baby. Does this make any sense to anyone???
So here is Brian posing for a photo with the root beer. I had to take it to show Uncle T.
We all had a lovely night, out to a nice restaurant, chatting about nothing in particular, just happy to all be together.

Another old photo - Grace an I in MUCH younger years - wow - we were babes!

I am so lucky.
Yes, I am well aware of what you mean when you realize time flies and someone will always be your "baby".
You are mightly blessed. It is even more of a blessing that you realize this. Savor the blessings.
I really try Lisa! with these kids - it's easy. With the rest of life...I have to keep reminding myself. Guess I'm only human...
you are lucky. Thanks for sharing this with us. Children change so much in the space of 16 years, from crawling infant, to teenager whereas sometimes we adults can change in much smaller increments in the same time span. It is interesting to measure time via children and their growing. Oh yes, they are always your babies. It is hard to realize sometimes my son is grown up and can take care of himself. He doesnt need me horning in...:) but now that mom and dad are gone, there is no one to think that I am still a "baby." :(
Oh Suki....
It is great that you realize it and treasure it now! It does pass fast, my babies are 20 and 15, it seems a long time ago that they were babies because we're still in the throes of taking care of life but I know when I am not busy in their lives anymore and look back it will seem pretty quick.
I know how Suki feels, my parents are both gone, there is NOTHING like a good parent, no one can give you the same love and it does leave a void.
what a handsome young man he is too, you will be a great aunt sooner than you know...sigh....where does time go to???
He grew up to be a handsome kid!
I never had children but I still know what you mean. I have a niece who is my best friend. She's in her thirties now and flys out from Mass to see me every year. It's amazing how close we are. I feel like she's my daughter, not my sister's daughter! And she was balder than Brian as a baby :)
Hey Mim, isn't it cool that we're favorite Aunts?
You have a lovely family Mim~
Oh yes, I do understand. I say the same to my daughter all the time: You will always be my baby. At forty now and a mom herself she may be beginning to grasp what I mean...or she will in time. ;-)
And yes, I understand the "it's like it was just yesterday." My DH and I are saying this about many things more and more. I looked in the mirror today and saw deep lines on my face that were not there yesterday. Where did they come from all of a sudden? I am aging. I promised myself I would do it gracefully. But the fact that it is actually happening...why it was only yesterday that I too was a "babe".
I know what you mean - I remember when my nephew would stay with us for weekends and he'd sleep on the sofa - then the day came when he was too tall to fit - I remember thinking how did that happen?!
mim, that picture of the boys is so endearing! and that picture of you made me smile--you both look great, with smiles that no doubt still beam in the same authentic way!
nothing like love...
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